Types of Businesses You Can Start With Almost No Cash

You want to start a business but do not have the idea or spare money. Check out these ideas below. You can start these businesses with little or no money.

  1. Blogging

Blogging is one of the means several people all over the world are making money from the internet. Blogging is all about creating usefully and perhaps educative content for a targeted audience on the internet. If you think that you have good knowledge on a particular subject, you can make money by sharing your knowledge to a wide range of audience via your blog.
This is how making money from blog works; if you have good content on your blog, loads of people (human traffic) will visit your blog. The larger the traffic that visits your blog, the more money you will make. If you blog attracts huge traffic, you can attract adverts from the top corporate organization. You can also earn money from your blog via AdSense, by offering subscription services to members and also selling your products via your blog.

Read this The Benefits of Blogging

2.Freelance Content Writer
If you are a skilled and creative writer and you have enough time at your disposal, then you can earn a good income from the internet. There are loads of websites you can secure high-paying writing jobs from. Some of the sites where you can bid for freelance writing jobs are freelancer.com,  mydiscover.net.in,   upwork.com, guru.com and elance.com etal. From these sites you can get writing jobs that can comfortably pay your bills while you are in – between jobs or still schooling.

5 Tips to Promote Your Freelancing Writing

How to Create Great Content for Your Website

3.Sell eBooks
Another easy way you can make bucks from the internet if you are good with creative writing, so as to sell as eBooks. There are countless numbers of subjects that you can write about and of course, there will be the ready market for such subject.
One of the easiest ways to generate monies from selling eBooks is to start writing self-help books or books on ‘How To’. For example, if you are good with graphics, you can write a book on ‘How to create your own logo’ there are loads of people out there that will be willing to pay for such book.
EBooks are cheap and easy to make and from one eBook you can continue to generate incomes as long as the information that it contains is still pretty valid and useful. EBooks (electronic books) are books in soft copies and they can be downloaded online from any part of the world. 
4.Sell Videos Online
YouTube and other video publishing sites online and some of the internet platforms you can leverage on to sell your videos. If you can produce videos to teach people how to do stuff for themselves, and put them online, you will be amazed at the rate people will be placing demand from all over the world for the video.
5.YouTube Advertising
If you are into PR and advertising, one of the ways you can make huge cash is to start a YouTube advertising agencies. Part of what you need to do is to source for YouTube videos that are trending and help your client advertise their product or services on the videos.
6.Start an E-commerce Store
There are loads of stuff you can sell online. The bottom line is that you can take your groceries store online. You can engage in the sale of perfumes, electronics, tablets, smartphones, flowers, computers or any products online and people will patronize your services. All you need to do is to define the areas you are servicing and ensure that you make adequate provision for shipping.
Top 14 Advantages of Having a Website For Your Business

Online Payment Gateways in India

7.Offer Graphics Services
There are loads of people out there who are looking for graphic artists to contract their graphics jobs to. If you are a graphic designer, then you can take your services online. You just have to be proactive and aggressive in marketing your services. One good thing about offering graphics services online is that you can sign a long-term business deal with just one client especially if you are good at what you do.
8.Online Hotel Booking Business
If you live in a country that attracts thousands of visitors/tourists, then you can look towards starting your online hotel booking business. All you need to do is to enter into a partnership with hotels around you so that when people book their hotels from your website, they will pay you commission based on the agreement you have with the management of the hotel.
In order to succeed with this type of business, you must ensure that you gain the trust and corporation of the management of the hotels listed on your website and also the trust of tourist/visitors.
9.Offer Web Designing Services
Statistics has it that there is well over 350 million active website on the internet and it is not enough to meet the demand of people visiting the internet; there are still pretty much to learn from the internet hence people are opening new websites on a regular basis. If you know how to design website, you should not restrict the marketing of your website design services to people you can see and visit within your location. There is a large market within the online community waiting to be tapped. All you need to do is to list your services online and if you are good, you will attract clients from all over the world. Read this 8 reasons
10.Become a Translator
If you can speak and write two or more languages whether foreign or local languages, then you can comfortably list your services online as a translator. There are many authors of books and producers of films et al who wouldn’t mind translating their books to local dialects or other foreign languages once they can get someone to do it for them at an affordable fee. You can visit elance.com, freelancer.com, oDesk.com and other freelance sites to source for translating jobs.
11.Online Research Jobs
Are you a freelancer, and do you have ample time at your disposal? If your answer was a yes to the above questions, then you can make money as a freelance research for several organizations and individuals scattered across the world. All you need is to prove to them that you have what it takes to deliver on set targets and you will secure good-paying research and report writing jobs.
12.Online Consulting Services
As a trained consultant, your job is to offer workable advice to your clients; it could be business advice, relationship advice or technical advice et al. The bottom line is that you don’t have to be physically present with your clients before advising them on how to make the best out of their businesses or life. So all you need to do is to leverage the internet to reach out to your clients.
The truth is that with the internet you can successfully do video calling (Skype calling et al) and live chat with your clients no matter the part of the world where they live in. Just ensure that you list your consulting services online and you will be amazed at the numbers of people from all over the world that will come calling for your services especially if you are considered a pro in the industry.

13.Start an Online School
There are loads of stuff you can line online; it could be obtaining a technical skills and a diploma or it could be obtaining a Degree or an MBA et al. If you passionate about impacting knowledge, all you need to do is to secure the required license, permits and accreditation from the government of your country and you can successfully start your own degree/diploma awarding online school.
14.Online Flight Booking Business
The truth is that you do not need to get the required IATA certification before you can start making money online by booking flights for air travelers online. All you need is computer knowledge, a laptop, an internet device and of course partnership agreement with a registered and certified ticketing company.
With this kind of agreement, you will be required to book flights for clients and you will make your commission. This type of business will not in any way stop you from keeping your regular job or business. It is just a way of making additional income.
15.Sell Software
If you are a software developer, of course, the internet is your strongest marketing platform. There is a large market for software on the internet. All you need to do is to look for a task in the IT world and then build a software to help simplify the task. For example; you can develop a software that will help people manage their clientele base (CRM software), you can develop software that will help people manage their payrolls, accounts, online files et al.
16.Online Art Gallery (Selling Artworks Online)
Even if you operate a conventional art gallery, that does not in any way stop you from increasing your income by selling your artworks online. As a matter of fact, you will attract more customers from the online community and of course will generate more sales. All you need to do is to display the artworks you have on your gallery alongside their prices and shipping expenses and you will be amazed at the numbers of clients you will attract from far and wide. It is indeed a cool way of making more money as an artist.
17. Real Estate / Properties Rental Services
Another business that you can start online is real estate/properties rental services. If you are a realtor, all you need to do to expand the scope of your target market is to take your real estate business online. The truth is that a larger percentage of those looking for properties to buy or rent would usually search online as against reading through real estate magazines et al. It is easier to take your real estate business online, all you need is a functioning website or even a social media platform to list your properties.
18.Become a Social Media Expert and Manager
If you have enough time and you good with various social media platforms, then you can start an online business managing social media handles for several busy business executives, politicians, government officials, pastors, celebrities and public figures. Of course, you must display some level of professionalism and expertise before you can be hired to manage social media pages and handles for people, but the truth remains that you can make pretty cool cash from this type of online business. But trust me, it will take the bulk of your time.
19.Start an Online Car Dealership Business
You don’t need to own a physical car garage or showroom before you can make money from selling cars. As a matter of fact, it is much easier this day to sell cars online than it is to sell it from a garage et al. All you need to do is to open a website where the cars that you want to sell can be listed (the prices, and specifications et al). You can deal with fairly used cars or brand new cars or both and still attract customers from all over the globe.  Start your website.
20.Open an Online Jewelry Store
If you operate a conventional brick and mortar jewelry store, you can leverage on the internet to expand your target market and of course, make more monies. All you need to do is to employ the services of a web designer to help you design an online store and then secure a good online payment software and also good shipping arrangement and before you know it, you will start attracting customers from far and wide especially if your prices are highly competitive.  Start your website.
22.Photography Business
There is hardly a business that cannot leverage the internet to generate more income. Online Photography is another business that you can successfully launch if you are looking for an internet-based business to start. It is simple, if you are a photographer and you are good with photo editing, all you need to do is to list pictures in your archive for sale to the internet community. There are well over 30 million websites and of course, these websites need contents which is why they outsource content writing jobs and also photos. If your pictures are good, you can sell them online and they can be used for graphics et al. Start your website.
23.Photo Editing Services
Although there is self-help photo editing software online that you can use to edit your photos, but the fact remains that the photo editing jobs that are handled by professional photo editors can be more detailed and based on the specification.
Which is why people who have eyes for details usually contract the editing of their pictures to professional photo editors as against making use of photo editing software. The nature of this type of job making it easier for people to offer photo editing jobs online. If you a skilled photo editor, all you need to do is to list your services online and you are sure going to attract high-paying clients from within your country and overseas. Start your website.
24.Video Editing Services
Although it is easier for people to post amateur videos on social media platforms this day, if you are in the business of selling resource video materials, then you must endeavor to be professional with the videos you put up for sale.
If you live in Toronto, Canada, you don’t have to travel through the streets of Toronto in search of a video editor, from the comfort of your office you can contract the editing of your videos to an expert somewhere in Tokyo, Japan and they will get the job done for you within record time. So if you have video editing skills, you can list your business on the internet and you can as well source for clients from the online community. Start your website.
25.Editing and Proof Reading Business
The nature of this type of business makes it easier to work from home and for clients who are thousands of kilometers away from your country. If you are a good editor and you have eyes for details, then you should consider visiting freelancer.com, elance.com, oDesk.com et al to enroll and become a member. From such platforms, you can get enough editing and proofreading jobs that you can handle.
26.Start Your Own Social Networking Site
The fact that there are several big-time networking websites does not in any way stop you from starting your own social networking site. It may take time before you start making money from the site, but with diligence, dedication and hard work, you will surely start generating income from it.
Part of what you need to do is to choose a niche or concentrate on a target audience that can make it easier for you to attract people to your social networking site. For example, you can start a social networking site to connect doctors and nurses together, you can start a social networking site that connects people of same ethnic groups or people with similar interest et al.
27.Buy and Sell Domains
Another interesting and money making business that you can start on the internet is to start buying and selling domains. All you need to do to start this type of business and of course make money is to look for domains with potential for sale, buy them and the source for those who are interested in buying such domain. It might be risky to buy and onto a domain name, but the truth remains that you are likely going to sell at a price that is far more than the price you purchased it; it is similar to real estate investment – some domain name appreciates with time.
Start your own business with us as a re-seller and earn money according to your need  
28.Start an Online Maid Agency Service
There are no limits to the types of business you can stand on the internet. One of the businesses that you can stand online is a maid agency services. Part of what you need to do get this type of business rolling is to network with maid agencies in different cities within your coverage area and help them list maid services online. You can make good commissions from this type of business.
29.Online Magazine and Book Club
This is quite different from e-library, all you need to do is to start a book and magazine club that attracts people of similar interest. If you are creative, you can attract enough members and the money you make from such business is tied to the number of members that are registered in your book club. Membership fees and registering fees et al. One good thing about online magazine and book club is that you can admit members from any part of the world as long as they are ready to keep to the ground rules.
30.Online Sport Shop
Another business that you can start on the internet is to an online sports shop, a shop where you will sell sporting wears and sports accessories et al. There is a large market for sportswear and accessories. Just like any other e-commerce store, you would need to make arrangements for shipping. We are here for setup your website according to your requirement you can contact our facebook page and website.
31.Creating and Selling Online Wall Papers
You can start an online business by selling wallpapers, although you are not likely going to make huge money from this type of business, at the same time it is a business that will not take your time. It is a business you can do while keeping your paid employment or handling other big-time businesses. Start your today website.
32.Online Computers and Mobile Phones Store
If you are into buying and selling, there are loads of business that you can make money from and one of them is to open an online computer and mobile phones store. Just like any other e-commerce store, you would need a good shipping arrangement for this type of business. You can engage in the sale of fairly used or brand new phones and computers or both. There is a wide international market for such products. We are here for setup your website according to your requirement you can contact us our facebook page and website.
33.App Development
You are good at developing apps, then you can make good money from the internet. There are loads of apps that are being sold on apps stores and there is still need for more apps. If you can come up with a unique app, you will be amazed at the amount you can generate from selling the app.
34.Teach People How To Cook
If you are good with making both local and international dishes, one of the business you can engage in is to start teaching people off to cook. You will be amazed at the high level of response you will get if you list his services online.
Do note that starting any of these businesses, or even more than one business of this type on the internet as stated here, could be one of the best steps you would ever make in life because it is a sure way to make cool money from the internet and become rich for life. So, do take advantage and soon you will smile.
35. Assess Your Capital Needs
You require money to start your business, but how much do you really need? Without a clear idea, you run the risk of coming up with an unrealistic valuation of your business, which will put off investors and get your loan application rejected. So before you start wondering how you should raise money, you should focus on evaluating your funding requirements. How much do you need to get started? How exactly are you going to use the funds?

36.Gather Feedback
If you are planning to get into a completely new business, it would really help if you got a second opinion from someone who knows the market and the challenges involved. A business idea that looks good on paper may not be that attractive when you actually get into it. An expert’s opinion may help you look at things from a different perspective and gain more knowledge that you may lack.
37. Small trial
Want to be sure if your business idea is indeed unique? Run a test and find out. A pilot will give you the confidence you need to take your idea to the next level and mitigate risk. You can start on a small scale by giving away some freebies to a few people in your target audience group to see how they respond.
A small trial can give you some new insights to grow your business and identify challenges that you might have overlooked.
38. Network with People
When you don’t have money to start your business, it’s essential you find the right people who can help. You may attend events and trade shows where you can find potential investors. You may also join various online forums on social networking sites where you can find useful tips and resources to bring your business to life.
Most venture capitalists and investors are quite active on social media, so if you can wow them with your idea you may find a great way to get started on your business dream.
Web Maintenance Business: A lots of small businesses get their website made for cheap and then wait for their designer to update it. You may become their angel by offering website maintenance services. Offer once a month contact and take up to 20 clients. Later as your business grows and you move on to bigger things – hire an employee to take care of this part of your business.
Event Manager: You choose to be a corporate event manager or specialize in managing weddings.

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