Hi friends! checklist of the topics that may help you to lose weight. Best Steps of Weight Reduction step by step guide,
Change your Lifestyle for better life

When you want to lose weight and to keep it off, it is vital that you are motivated, really want to lose weight, and want to improve aspects of your lifestyle. Some people lose weight by strict dieting for a short period.
However, as soon as the diet is over, they often go back to their old eating habits, and the weight goes straight back on.
Losing weight, and then keeping it off, needs a whole change of attitude and lifestyle for life.
The type of foods and drink that you normally buy.
- the amount of physical activity that you do.
- the type of meals that you eat.
- your pattern of eating.
The Top tips is – ask family or friends to help and encourage you to keep to a healthy lifestyle.
What is your planned timetable?
A weight reducing diet for about three months is realistic. After
about three months, many people find it difficult to keep motivated. It may be useful to have a start and finish date for your weight-reducing diet.
It is best not to lose weight too fast. If you lose more than a kilogram per week, you may lose muscle tissue rather than fat. It is best to lose an average of ½-1 kg per week (about 1-2 lb per week). To do this you need to eat 500-1000 calories per day less than you did before your diet.
You will lose 6-12 kg if you keep this up for three months. Don’t be disheartened by minor increases or leveling off in weight for a few days.
Look for the overall trend over several months.
The Top tips is – aim to lose weight steadily for about three months.
Be realistic
What is your goal weight?
Many people aim to get down to a ‘perfect’ weight. This is often unrealistic and may never be achieved. If the weight that you aim for is too low, you are likely to become fed up about slow progress, and give up. To lose 5 kg is good.
To lose 10 kg is excellent. (10 kg is about one and a half stone.)
Top tip – in most cases, most health benefits come from losing the first 5-10% of your weight.
This is often about 5-10 kg.
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Avoid Stress and depression read why and how
Understanding the food for Healthy eating
Do you know which foods are the best to eat?
In general, a healthy diet consists of foods high in starchy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, but low in fat, sugar, alcohol, and salt.
Can you list several common foods that are in each category? It may take some effort and reading to become familiar with this.
Your practice nurse or dietician will have leaflets that list foods in each category.
Another leaflet in this series called ‘Healthy Eating’ gives more details. Also, many books on food and health give these details.
The tips is – low-fat foods are generally best.
But remember, some low-fat foods and drinks are high in calories, such as alcohol, sugary drinks, and sweets. read more..
Planning is must what you eat
Planning what you eat It is important to plan ahead. Perhaps you could plan each day’s meals and recipes the day before.
In this way you will know exactly how much food you will be eating. This is better than looking in the cupboard and fridge before mealtimes or snacks to see what is there.
It is best to separate eating from other activities, as this helps to you keep to your planned eating for the day.
So, try not to eat whilst on the move, whilst watching TV, during meetings, etc.
The top tip is – plan tomorrows eating today.
Food diaries
It is helpful to know how much you normally eat. Estimating from memory is not very accurate. It is best to keep a diary, and write down every amount of food and drink that you have over a week or so. Include even the smallest of snacks. Add up the number of calories that you eat and drink each day. You may need advice from a practice nurse or dietician to calculate calories.
However, there are plenty of books that give calorie counts for different foods.
It may be helpful to keep up the diary for several weeks to see the difference in calories that you eat before and after a change to a healthier diet.
To lose weight, you must eat less calories each day than previously.
Special diets
Special ‘wonder’ diets are often advertised, but they are often not helpful. This is because your old eating habits will usually return after a short ‘special diet’, and weight often goes back on.
Eat when Sleep read how
The top tip is – it is not usually a special diet that you need, but a life-long change to a healthy diet.
Physical activity
If you are able, aim to do at least 60-90 minutes of moderate physical activity on at least five days a week.
(All adults should aim for at least 30 minutes on five days a week. However, 60-90 minutes is recommended if you are overweight or obese and are aiming to lose weight.)
Fat loss with yoga

Read how to fat lose with yoga
Moderate physical activity includes: brisk walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, badminton, tennis, etc. In addition, try to do more in your daily routines. For example, use stairs instead of lifts, walk or cycle to work or school, etc.
See separate leaflet called ‘Physical Activity for Health’ for details.
The top tip is – If you are not used to physical activity, try starting with a 30 minute brisk walk every day and then building up from there. 100+ Weight loss solutions
Situations and special occasions
It is important to recognize that holidays, festivals, eating out, etc, may interfere with your everyday food choices and eating schedule.
Also, do you find that watching food programs on TV makes you hungry?
How about smells from the kitchen from someone cooking who is not aware that you are trying to lose weight?
Do you get pressure from family or friends to eat or drink more?
You will be tempted by different situations to abandon your planned food intake.
Can you identify any tempting situations?
Can you avoid them? If not, how do you cope with them?
The top tip is – go and clean your teeth when you are tempted to eat between meals.
Read How much weight do you have to lose ?
Medical treatments
Medicines to help with weight loss are an option in some cases. They may help, but they are not wonder-drugs, and you still need to eat less. Doctors are given guidelines on when to prescribe these medicines.
Surgery is an option if you are very obese. Results are usually good, but surgery is not without some risk. And, you still have to reduce the amount that you eat afterwards.
Counselling or referral to a dietician for advice is sometimes useful, but may not be available in all areas. Counselling may be done ‘one-to-one’, or in a group setting.
Keeping to a reduced weight Steps
The main reason this happens is because the weight reducing diet was only a temporary cut back of an unhealthy diet. Once you have lost some weight, to keep the weight off you need to stick to a healthy diet. An active lifestyle with more physical activity would also help. Even better is for the whole family or household to have changed to healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. Many people who lose weight soon put it back on again when they stop their weight reducing diet.
To keep your weight down you will still need to eat less and/or do more physical activity than previously.
For example, if you have lost 10kg, to keep this off and maintain your weight you will still need to:
- Eat about 300 calories per day less than you did prior to the weight loss diet, or
- Do more physical activity to ‘burn up’ an extra 300 calories per day, or
- A combination of the two.
The Top tip is– after losing some weight, weigh yourself once a week to keep a check on your weight.
Some people lose weight well on their own, but need the support of a group to keep their weight down after finishing a weight reducing diet.
Ask your practice nurse or dietician for details of local groups.
Read Fat lose with yoga
Weight loss Steps: How to lose water weight fast
Take care of stress levels
Rising stress flares up cortisol levels in the body, which can cause an imbalance in the fluid retention and hormones which control water balance-antidiuretic hormone or ADH.
Stress levels can also make you reach out for comfort foods, which are rarely the healthiest. These can make you pack in mor
Steps of Weight Reduction
Have more of whole foods
Whole foods, including certain grains, vegetables and fruits contain plenty of fibre, vitamins and minerals such as potassium which regulate body functioning and prevent excess fluid build-up.
Potassium, which helps cut out retention is found in abundance in vegetables. Hence, having a plant-based diet can help you get rid of untimely bloating.
How do you get back in shape?
As crucial as adequate hydration is, excess water intake can be harmful to you too. Eating foods, which increase water retention in the body can pose problems too. Medically, this is known as ‘edema’.
Even though water weight is rarely as big an issue as obesity, it can seldom impact athletic performance and make you feel dull and lethargic. For women, water retention can make them experience uneasiness, especially during menstrual cycles
Steps of Weight Reduction
Feeling bloated and heavy? It might be water weight
Ate something heavy and now suddenly you feel like you have packed in 10 additional kilos?
While it is completely impossible to put on so much weight post a single meal, the bloating and the inflated feeling you experience after a heavy meal can be water retention, which can contribute to your weight.
Steps of Weight Reduction
Will drinking water in excess flush out sodium?
The same way, drinking water in excess and expecting to ‘flush’ out all the extra kilos is not the right solution.
Sodium secretion, which causes water retention in the first place takes its own time to deplete. You can try doing additional hacks, workouts, or eat foods listed above to speed up the process, but, ultimately, your body will work according to its own timeline.
Workout Exercise well
Needless to say, working out is one of the best ways to manage your weight troubles. Sweating out makes you lose water, which helps reduce water weight in a shorter time.
Experts also say that exercise makes the body shift water into the muscles (which need to build and recover) well.
Taking a therapeutic sauna session can be helpful too.
How long will it take to get rid of water weight?
If you make changes in your lifestyle and follow them in a disciplined manner, you can expect to lose up to 1.5 kilos in a day or two.
Getting rid of water weight depends on a lot of parameters- from your vitals, body size, composition to gender and how healthy or unhealthy your lifestyle is.
The ones who engage in a lot of heavyweight workouts or intense exercises stand to retain less water weight than an average person.
However, keep in mind that there are exercises, such as weight lifting which can make you more prone to water retention as well.
Steps of Weight Reduction
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