How to stop your competitors getting the sales leads you to deserve

Do you ever feel frustrated, when you see low-quality competitors making all kinds of inaccurate claims about their services? If you do and you would like to ensure your genuinely awesome service attracts the high-quality clients it deserves, you will love today’s post!

“Don’t focus on the competition, they’ll never give you money.” – Jeff Bezos

Your competitors don’t know what they’re doing

I talk to a lot of people about their websites and conversion challenges – many of the large, well-known companies. I’m constantly surprised by how many of these companies’ actions are opinion-driven, and how little actual data is gathered and used. When I ask them questions about their customers and their website, most of what I hear is “I think that”, “it seems to me” and “in my opinion”. Sadly, opinions matter little, sometimes not at all.
So bear in mind, in most cases, your competitors themselves don’t really know which part of their website is working and which part is failing. Their whole site was probably put together by a committee of opinions. Their CEO and marketing team assembled a task force who looked at a bunch of competitor sites, picked pieces from here and there, and inserted a lot of opinions into the mix. In my experience, this is a common way to build a website.
The other common way these companies setup a website is to hire a web design company. The designer, who didn’t use any data and looked at a bunch of websites for inspiration, basically slapped something together that makes sense and looks all right.
It’s rare that somebody has a completely data-driven site. It’s rare that your competitor is a super genius. Keep that in mind the next time you want to copy them.
Top Sales Contest Mistakes To Avoid
Sales contests work best when they motivate all employees (especially those who are new and underperforming) and instill lasting improvements. A sales contest that only rewards top salespeople do little to help your whole team.
Here are the common sales contest mistakes to avoid when setting up your contest:
Your contest only motivates top salespeople and fails to reach your team as a whole.
It fails to hold your employees’ interest after the first few days.
Improvements in performance do not last once the contest is over.
It creates a competitive environment that hurts collaboration and employee spirit.
Scores are tedious and time-consuming to track.
Now, as we’ll explain next, all of these issues can be avoided by finding the right sales contest ideas that will work for your particular goals.

Don’t forget to read this article this article can change your life and business strategy  Hidden Business Ideas

First, a question!

Let us assume I am a prospective client of yours. I have a question in my mind, which you need to answer if you want me to invest in your services:

Why should I use your services, rather than one of your competitors?

Here’s the thing: Your competitors, even those who offer low-quality services, make some big claims in their marketing. They claim they will offer me great customer service. They say they will go the extra mile for me. They say they would love to hear from me and that they will not pressure me into buying anything if I call them.
This begs another question:

If you are making those claims and guarantees in your marketing (and you really mean it), how is a prospective client supposed to know you really are better than your competitors?

I suggest a very good place to start, is by connecting with prospective clients via a blog and social networking sites.

Read this article about The Benefits of Blogging

When a service provider regularly shows up to take part in the conversations within his or her business community, so long as the provider is helpful and useful rather than pushy, they can cut through the noise and show how valuable and approachable they are.

Add Value

When you call up those customers, don’t just say hi. Always try to find a way to offer something of value. It could be a fact you’ve uncovered that’s relevant to your customer’s business. It could be a news article that’s appeared recently that somehow relates to your customer. Or it could be a suggestion you’ve come up with on how to maximize the return they’d get using the product they’ve already bought from you. If a customer starts thinking of you as a valuable resource over and above what your product does for him, he’s far less likely to drop you for a competitor. In this article, you read Why Promotion is Important for a Business?

Showing works better than telling

Anyone can claim anything in their marketing, which is why poor quality providers are quick to make promises and guarantees, which they know are bullshit. The marketplace, your prospective clients, are influenced far more by what they experience than a claim made by a stranger’s marketing. As a result, it’s massively more powerful for you to demonstrate how professional and approachable you are via social media than for you to make that statement in your marketing and not back it up with action.
As a result, it’s massively more powerful for you to demonstrate how professional and approachable you are via social media than for you to make that statement in your marketing and not back it up with action.
The massive majority of business owners use social networking sites almost exclusively to push marketing messages at people and as a result, get very little back and attract similar-minded people, so they build low-value networks too. In my experience, you attract far better results when you stop using social media to push generic marketing promises and start using it to be useful to your target market. This gives you an opportunity to build trust and credibility, which is enormously valuable to you and your business. Read this article How to Create Great Content for Your Website

Useful beats noisy every time

In an age where low-quality providers use social media to claim they are wonderful, you can use those same tools to demonstrate how valuable you are and achieve the results your superior service deserves.

Don’t forget to read this article this article can change your life and business strategy  Hidden Business Ideas

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