Engagement is that “Secret Sauce” that determines the success or failure of your page.
Without engagement you don’t really have a Facebook page — you just have some images & text on a screen.

Facebook Post Formulas That Drive Engagement

First Read The Revolutionize Your Social Media Strategy: Grow Your Fanbase with Automated System

Create Shareable Content

If you want people to share your Facebook posts, you need to create highly shareable content. It’s that simple.
“Highly shareable” means the content is relevant to your audience and compels people to share it. Your content should make people stop in their tracks. Facebook calls this “thumb stopping,” since the majority of users view the platform on mobile devices. When your audience stops scrolling and pauses to read your content, they should feel an instant urge to share it with their audience.
The content could be breaking news, educational, hilarious, entertaining, or something that’s not typically seen elsewhere. This is the type of content that will make your audience look good to others when they share it.

 Include a Call to Action

Just as you want to create shareable content, it’s important to ask people to engage. Include something as simple as an invitation to share the post.
For instance, write, “If you found value, please share with your fans.” Or “If this speaks to you, share it with your audience as well!” You may also want to invite people to comment.
Takeaway: Create shareable content that includes a call to action. Also, post content that aligns with a trend or holiday related to your business so your audience will want to chime in.

One little-known way to “solve a problem” & “solution”

These posts need to include quick 1 – 2 sentence pieces of information to solve common problems. It’s better for them to be lesser-known, but even if people already know about the solution, they will still interact with comments such as “My mom showed me that!” or “I do this all the time, it works great!”.
This type of post has a double impact: It provides engaging content for fans and creates an image for your business as a knowledge information source. This will create the trust for your brand and bring people to you to not only answer their questions but also provide solutions that they trust in the form of your products or services.

Caption This! “Photo/Video”

This is fun and simple post that is 90% visual and 10% text. The only text that is needed it “Caption this!”. These work best with photos, but are also great to do with Vines or short-format videos.
Visuals can be funny pictures of animals or toddlers, or awe-inspiring photos of landscapes or human moments. The brand image you want to create will dictate the types of visuals you use. When choosing a visual, always think about the emotion you want to trigger within a person, happiness, hope, surprise, etc. Choose visuals that will hit people with a lightning bolt when they see your photo, and trigger them to engage with it.

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

First things first. Videos can make you some serious money. Adding a product video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%.

Video Shows Great ROI
To get you even more excited, 83% of businesses say that video provides good return on investment. Even though video production is not yet the easiest nor cheapest task, it pays off big time. Besides, online video editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. And even your smartphone can make pretty decent videos already.

Post Valuable Content:

I should not even say this, but still, there are people that post crappy updates on their Facebook pages. You should not post an update just because you haven’t done it in days.

If you don’t have anything to say, then why not share some useful article that you read to your readers. You are sending your readers to some other website, but in doing so you are not going to lose the people that follow you. Instead, they are going to thank you for recommending an informative article.

If you don’t have any ideas to share on your Facebook pages, then you should search for some valuable content on other sites and update it on your page.

Create specifically for Facebook

What works on Instagram or Twitter might not always work on Facebook. For example, hashtags are great on Instagram and GIFs are great on Twitter but both less so on Facebook.
It’s best to create your Facebook posts specifically on your Facebook Page.

Read this: The Benefits Of Blogging

“Fill in the blank. My [activity] must-have is ________.”

This type of post gets people thinking about upcoming events and times. And, if executed right, is awesome for getting people talking about using your products. Use an activity or time that is suited to your products, like cold winter nights, a family ski trip or a night out with friends. This will push people to suggest the types of products they like to use that you sell.
Here are a few examples to try on your Facebook Page:

  • Fill in the blank. “My New Years Eve must-have is ______”
  • Fill in the blank. “My Monday morning must-have is ______”
  • Fill in the blank. “My camping trip must-have is ______”

Use Facebook Live Regularly

One way to incorporate more video is to use Facebook Live regularly on your page. Start with doing one live broadcast a week. Ideally, plan your broadcast ahead of time to get the best results.  This Tony Robbins video offers the same info to viewers, whether or not they’re listening to him speak.
Takeaway: It takes time to build a Facebook Live video audience. Although you may not become a hit out of the gate, be persistent, practice, and find your voice. Keep showing up and fans will find you.

 Use Giveaways and Organize Contests

You can organize a contest on your Facebook fan page and give something away for free to your readers. This will help you in getting more followers because the people that already like your page are going to invite their friends as well to take part in your contest.

You can add a rule that all the participants must like your page in order to be eligible to win the prize.

“Like” for [Option 1]. “Share” for [Option 2]

A “Like” vs. “Share” post is an easy way for people to voice their opinion by engaging with your brand. In a nutshell, this post consists of two competing options. A person can “Like” the post to vote for option A or “Share” the post for option B. The “Like” and “Share” counters on the post-act a built-in vote count to see which side is winning. It also acts as social proof of the number of people participating and pushes others to join in as well.
To execute this post, create an image, like the one below, that includes a side-by-side mashup of two images (with a descriptive title for each image) and a small graphic overlay that reads “Like vs. Share”. Then add a short description that reinforces how to participate and you’re done!

Change Your Posting Time

Not getting the engagement you want to your Facebook posts? Try publishing content outside business hours, such as in the evenings and on weekends. Publish when more of your audience is online.
Also, it’s totally okay to repurpose content. Post content that’s already been shared on other networks and periodically republish your most popular Facebook posts. Don’t share a previously published post, though; republish it as a fresh post.

How To Stop Your Competitors Getting The Sales Leads You To Deserve

Ask for opinions

It might be obvious that people comment when they have something to say. But sometimes, we don’t offer them a chance to say anything!
Asking questions is a good way to offer our followers a chance to share their thoughts.
A practice I like is to share relevant news or blog post and ask our followers for their opinions. What to share might vary depending on your audience. If you have a professional audience, you might want to share industry news or articles. If you are a lifestyle brand, you might choose to share lifestyle news instead.

Watch other Facebook Pages

The social media landscape is ever-changing. What’s working today might not work tomorrow. It can be helpful to learn from other Facebook Pages and see what has been working for them.

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Read why this Steps useful know more about the Boost Way Networking Tips to Make Money on Facebook

Reply comments

If you want your followers to engage with your Facebook posts, here’s something simple to try when they comment: reply to all their comments.
This would make them feel heard and be more willing to comment on your Facebook posts in the future.

Create a linked Facebook Group

Finally, a potential resolution to the falling organic reach and engagement on Facebook is to start a Facebook Group and link it to your Facebook Page.
A Facebook Group of your most engaged followers would likely generate more discussions than your Facebook Page. My hunch is that the discussions in your Facebook Group will benefit your Facebook Page in several ways:

  • More awareness: As your members engage with one another in your Facebook Group, they likely have your brand at the top of their mind. You can also post and comment on your Facebook Page. All these might encourage your members to check out your Facebook Page like live videos did for Social Media Examiner.
  • Facebook algorithm boost: This is purely a guess. Since your Facebook Group is linked to your Facebook Page, engagement in your Facebook Group might influence how your Facebook Page posts rank on your members’ News Feed.

 Automate everything –

It’s a social platform and your brand needs to have a human touch. Don’t just schedule your latest blog links and product updates. Post your team photos.

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Boost your top posts

If you have a budget for Facebook advertising, consider boosting your top-performing posts. Your top-performing posts are proven content — content that is proven to engage your audience. This makes them suitable for a boost. With the right ad targeting, these posts would continue to engage more people, reach even more people.
And you don’t need a lot of money for this.

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