Boost Way Networking Tips to Make Money on Facebook

1. Create an appealing Facebook profile.

When someone knows, likes and trusts you, they’re more willing to hear about your business. Your profile gives you this opportunity when you use your profile picture; cover image, and “about” section properly.
Choose a professional profile picture. Use your cover image to give people a snapshot of your personality. A complete “about” section makes you more credible and rounds out your personality.

2. Post publicly on Facebook.

Your goal is to let your friends know what you do for a living and how you can help them. For example, if you’re a realtor:
Hey everybody! As you may know, I love helping people find their dream home. If you know anyone that needs assistance, please message me.
If you’re an insurance rep:
Hey there! As you may know, I love helping families be protected from unforeseen tragedies. If you know anyone that needs life insurance, please message me.

3. Use Facebook Messenger.

It is like email, but better. If you’ve previously conversed with a prospect and you’re getting ready to talk to them again, you can quickly review all your previous talks in one place.
If you haven’t spoken to a friend in a while, make sure to re-establish the relationship first. You don’t want them to feel like you are only reaching out for business. You can say, “Hey! We haven’t spoken in a while. How have you been?” Only chat about your products if they ask what you do.

4. Send messages based on past conversations and what you know about a friend.

A realtor example:
Hey Tom! I know you love houses with a view, and I seem to remember you were looking for a house. Well, check out this amazing lake view property! Do you want to come see it with me?
An insurance rep:
Hey Alicia! I know we’re both family people, and it’s been awesome to see yours grow up on Facebook. I was super glad to find out about this new life insurance option our company just created. It provides for families like no other policy I’ve seen. Do you want to hear more about it?

5. Keep the conversation going.

It’s exciting to have someone respond to your messages! Thank them for the response, give them additional information: pictures, videos and details of your offering, and then let them know what is the next step.
If you don’t hear back, send them a message once a week asking if they wanted to take the next step. Be patient. Not everyone checks Facebook daily.

6. Stay in touch.

It’s only a matter of time until friends want your product. Stay in touch on Facebook by posting quality content and interacting with your friends’ posts. Posting quality content is a balance between business and personal: Too much of either can result infailure. Be personal 80% of the time. People do business with those they have the best relationship with; so post about what’s on your mind. Post about business the other 20%.
The more you interact with your friend’s posts, the more your business posts appear in their newsfeed. Your friends will also see you as a true friend, not someone just trying to sell them products. When you comment on a friend’s post, write from the heart. Treat it the same as when you talk face to face.

7. Grow your friends to grow your income.

With over a billion users, Facebook offers an unlimited amount of people to talk to if you take the time to build relationships. Facebook’s Graph Search solves the new prospect obstacle by opening up their entire database to you. All you need to do is take the time to reach out and build relationships.

8. Create a group for support and inspiring sales teams.

Whether you’re a manager motivating a team, or have a group of industry peers who want to support each other, Facebook Groups are the answer. You can move mountains when you belong to a group of passionate people working toward the same goals, supporting each other every day.
Once you start your group, post at least a few times a week. It could be a question, words of motivation, pictures, or videos. Always like and comment on what others are posting as well. Groups are like live events happening 24 hours a day. When run correctly, it will become the cornerstone of your success.

9. Remember, Facebook is part of the strategy, not the whole strategy.

Facebook connects you to new people and helps you develop relationships. However, you still need to talk with people face to face, over the phone, and at events. They also need to experience a “taste” of your offering.

Earn money from Facebook page

if the page has enough number of fans. I will try to keep my answer short and cover all the possible ways by which one can earn with a facebook page .
Drive traffic to a website : This is the most common way of earning. Build a website for your page and then drive traffic to your web by sharing the links of the articles on your page. You can monetize the website with Google Adsense or any other Ad network and earn money.
There are so many websites which generate more than 50% of their traffic from their facebook pages only. And they are making good amount of money 🙂
Like this popular website drives most of their traffic from social media.

Affiliate Marketing : If your facebook page is niche specific and is targeted then you can earn money through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an old form of marketing, where you refer a person to a product available online, and the person buys that product, based on your recommendation. You get a commission for every sale that comes from your affiliate link. Now, if your page is niche specific , than you can join the affiliate program of amazon, ebay or any good affiliate network and find a product which is related to your niche, and you think is easy to sell. Get the affiliate link for that product and share it on your page, a good way of doing it is may be by writing a review of the product and then sharing the link, that way you will get more conversions. Read this affiliate marketing make easy step by step guide
 Selling Your own products and services : You can even sell your own product on your facebook page. It could be a customized t-shirt, Mug, Poster and any of consultancy service’s etc… There are many pages on facebook doing this ,
Sign Up on a PPC network : Pay-per-click or Cost per click (CPC) is an internet advertising model, used to direct traffic to websites, in which the advertisers pays to the publishers when the ad is clicked. There are many networks out there like viral9 , Revcontent etc. Sign Up on these networks, share their content on your page and earn money. If your fans are from Tier 1 countries like USA/Uk/CANADA etc then you can earn good 🙂

Earn Money Through Facebook Page

A facebook page has the potential to earn as much as a billion.

Make Relationship

In marketing relationship building is compulsory. You will get your first payment from collaborative promotions or as sponsored posts. Sponsored post means that you get paid to write (and post) about a brand, on your fb page.

Or, you can make money by posting links of other brands.

Steps to earn money by facebook page and groups.

Let’s See Facebook monetization process in to two simple steps.

  1. Firstly:- Achieving good number of Facebook page likes / group members.
  2. Secondly:- Generating revenue /earn by facebook page / group.

1. Firstly:- Achieving good number of Facebook page likes / group member

  • Find a niche(topic) for Facebook page or group. You should choose the topic that will grab a lot of users attention.
  • Choose a eye caching name.
  • Make a attractive profile picture and cover picture (note- make your own pictures don’t copy from others)

Let us divide the Facebook pages and groups separately so that you can better understand the whole process.

How to Get Good Number Of Facebook Page Likes / Group Members

Select a topic for Facebook page or group. Topic should be related to Entertainment since that will grab a lot of users attention.

Let’s split Facebook pages and groups for better understanding.


Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. In fact you can take blogging as a full time profession to lead your life. I have already written a detailed article about blogging and making money online with zero investment. read The Benefits Of Blogging and

Do read it here how to start blogging and make money from blog

If you are a Video Blogger then you can use your FB Pages to increase your Video Views on Youtube. You need to share Videos on your Pages and In Youtube you can apply for monetization .
Organize your Facebook page reviews

  1. It is one of the way that maybe you can consider in order to increase integrity and credibility for your business, products and services. When people land on your Facebook page and found that you have positive reviews and ratings, they are more likely to visit your store, buy your products or services.

Making Money With Clickbank:

You can make money with Clickbank too by signing up on their website as an affiliate. You can promote products belonging to your niche. Clickbank is a marketplace where you can find those products who belong to your niche, get your affiliate link and promote those products on your fan page. You will get commission for each sale made through your affiliate link. The best way to make money off your Facebook page using Clickbank is, establishing yourself as an authority in that niche, review some products, offer free tips and then offer the paid product. When people start believing you, you can offer the paid product. But always remember, offering a poor product just for the sake of commission can destroy your image. So, the best way of making money is ‘offer value’ to your fans.

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Thank you for reading.

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