When you are trying to reach potential customers online, you definitely need to know which keywords to target, and in which markets. Your SEO keyword strategy is a carefully calibrated mix of the right intent-based keywords, their volumes in the markets you want to target, keyword difficulty, and associated LSI keywords.

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However, before you can dive into finding all this information, you need to first find every possible search query combination that potential customers can type into Google. Then you need to know which of those have some sort of search volumes that you can work with. And in our years of experience, we have found this to be the most effort-intensive, and time-consuming part of the building a keyword strategy. That’s coupled with the times when relying on Google Keyword Planner for data can be misleading, as it can suppress the volume for certain keywords.

It can be safely stated that everyone who owns a website wants their site to attract more traffic as this presents it with better growth opportunities. This is where many would state that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes to play. But in the bid to win the love, admiration and favor of search engines, people tend to forget the importance of website usability as a force that also drives quality traffic.  Blogging Underground Targeted Traffic System 
As search engines become smarter and more human-like in the way they rank their resuclts, website optimization becomes more refined and gives more opportunity to tweak to improve your website for both usability and SEO

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