Quotes about trust
Trust is earned when actions meet words.
“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”
Quotes on Trust
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
Quotes on Trust
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Quotes on Trust
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.”
Quotes on Trust
“I’m not upset that you lied to me,
I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
“Sometimes you don’t know who you can and cannot trust.
Quotes on Trust
I still learn that over and over again.”
“All the world is made of faith
and trust,
and pixie dust.”
Quotes on Trust
Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.
Quotes on Trust
It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.
“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.”
Quotes on Trust
“I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you.
Quotes on Trust
“Only trust someone who can see these three things in you: the sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger, and the reason behind your silence.”
Quotes on Trust
“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
Quotes on Trust
“To be trusted is a greater compliment
than being loved. ”
“Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy
― Roy T. Bennett,
Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity.”
Read more in this Book The Light in the Heart
Rebuilding trust when it’s been broken is not depending only on the person who has broken it, or how many times they can prove they are honest.
Quotes on Trust
It depends on the person who has decided not to trust anymore.
If or when they decide to trust again, there is hope reborn.

Don’t lose your trust- Abraham Lincoln
What are the signs of trust issues?
Here are some common signs you might have trust issues, plus how to deal with them and start taking steps to be a little more trusting.
- Assuming people are doing things to hurt you.
- Being overly secretive about yourself.
- Picking fights.
- Avoiding commitment.
- Feeling overprotective.
- Reluctance to open up.
- Isolating yourself from others.
This is the basis of attachment theory. Because Trust issues develop as a result of our past or present experiences.
Our childhood, specifically our relationship with our parents, can play a particularly big role in how we approach relationships today.
I notes that if someone experienced betrayal, abandonment, or harm when they were young, this can lead to trust issues as an adult.
How to overcome trust issues.
- Work together as a couple.
- Get comfortable with risk.
- Process past hurts.
Work together as a couple.
Learn how trust works. Trust doesn’t have to be given out freely.
It’s okay to wait for people to earn it before deciding you can rely on them.
For couples to bridge the gap from mistrust to trust, Moran notes, both partners need to be accessible, responsive and engaged (or “ARE,” as he likes to call it).
If you’re in a relationship already, make sure your partner is involved so they can support you through your healing process.
- Start your day doing something that sets a positive tone. The Americans start their day by reading. They read a business book, a spiritual book, and a book about some type of self-improvement.
- When you are away from the office, focus on self-care. “We think it is really important to give our brains a rest,” Beverly says. “We hike, bike ride, connect with our kids, care for aging parents and go on weekly date nights. All of this is crucial to us functioning well at work and at home.”
- Have your priorities straight.
They quickly learned that misplaced priorities caused things to not go well at home or at work. - If you find yourself in trouble at work due to the relationship, ask for help. The Americans found a coach to help them navigate through uncharted waters.
They believe this saved them from a lot of drama both at home and at work. - Make a conscious effort to turn off work at home.
“There are times when we are so busy going in different directions, we don’t get to connect until we get home,” Beverly says.
“However, we determined that both of us need the freedom to say I don’t feel like talking about anything work-related right now and your spouse won’t hold that over your head.” - Have an exit strategy. Going into business together is a huge commitment of time and energy.
Having an agreed-upon plan in case change is necessary will help protect your relationship and the business.
Get comfortable with risk.
Accept the risk that comes with learning to trust again. None of us are perfect—we let people down.
Therefore, placing your trust in someone is undeniably going to lead to being let down at some point or another.
Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone will let you down at some point That doesn’t mean they can’t be trusted.
The big portion of the work is when it comes to trust issues is learning to get comfortable with risk.
Without risk there is no need for trust.
When you trust someone, you are making yourself vulnerable and opening yourself to being let down.
When you don’t trust someone, you try to retain control of the person or situation.
In a leadership capacity, the desire to control often leads to micromanagement, an employee’s worst nightmare and one of the greatest erodes of trust in relationships.
Trust requires a personal investment
Trust works best in a reciprocal environment and Trust doesn’t come free; it costs you dearly.
Whether it’s your acceptance of risk, loss of control, emotional attachment, time, energy, or money, trust requires a personal investment.
I trust you with something and in exchange, you reciprocate by trusting me.
Establishing trust in a relationship is not a destination; it’s a journey.
It’s human nature to prefer comfort and safety, but trust is anything but comfortable and safe.
Trust pushes us out of our comfort zones into the world of risk and uncertainty.
Yet in one of the strange paradoxes of trust, confronting these uncomfortable truths allows us to achieve the very things we desire: safety, security, comfort, reliability, and predictability. Confront these uncomfortable truths about trust. You won’t regret it.
Process past hurts.
if your wounds run deep and trusting is a challenge, “although some people can successfully process past hurts and rebuild trust via books,
online support groups, etc., Awareness that trust issues are present is an important first step,
It is also valuable to process betrayals, hurts,
and other origins of trust issues in order to come to a better understanding of them and not continue reliving those situations in current relationships.
If you’ve lived for more than a decade or two, chances are there are some deeply buried emotions inside of you that hold you back in your life.
You may not be consciously aware of these stuck emotions on a daily basis.
but they are clogging you up and robbing you of precious emotional bandwidth that could be used for more joy, lightness, and bliss.
If your emotions have become conditioned, over time, to not expect that they can get your attention, it will take some time for them to trust you again.
Remove distractions
Create a sacred space for your emotional processing. Most of the time, notifications from electronic devices only add to the distraction.
In fact, many people are so used to getting interrupted at work that when they don’t, they actually go looking for one!
Distraction and constant multitasking can actually hurt small-business owners’ performance.
Proactively checking for information may keep you from having it interrupt a concentrated workflow. You may want to turn off all notifications from smartphones and desktops applications.
Consider checking email only four times per day and handling each inquiry only once.
Controlling your devices, and not having that technology control you, may help reduce distractions and increase your focus.
Get Comfortable
This means something different for every small-business owner. Comfort could be determined by the clothes, the chair, the music, the temperature of the room, or the work location. Knowing what environment makes you comfortable yet focused at the same time can help you maintain focus through the workday
Practice Meditation
This may allow your mind to let go of interrupting thoughts and get centered on one thing. To start, consider sitting quietly in a place for three to five minutes a day. Close your eyes and count to 34.
Breathe deeply
Breathe deeply, expanding your breath into every part of your body. As you do this you may notice places in your body where you were holding physical tension.
So! Utilize your breath to connect your mind to your body.
Let your tongue disconnect from the roof of your mouth. Relax your legs fully. Soften your shoulders.
Locate your emotions in your body
You might notice things like, “I feel tense/anxious in my throat”, “I feel sadness in the pit of my stomach,” or “I feel anger in my chest.”
This time, you may start to notice certain areas that are tenser than others or specific emotions that you may be able to name simply by feeling them.
Whatever you notice, it isn’t right or wrong, bad or good. It simply is.
If you are able to, name your findings out loud (i.e., “I feel grief in my heart”) in order to validate your findings outside of your mind.
Once you have located and possibly named the emotions that you have treasure-hunted in your body,
it’s time to start expanding into them and allowing them to move through you.
And remember, if you are at a stage in your emotional journey where the specifics of what the emotion is isn’t clear to you just yet, that’s totally fine.
How to Handle Your Trust Issues
Try and trust again. If you fail and resort back to distrusting tendencies, try again. Trust again. Keep putting yourself out there.
Take emotional risks. You’ve got to just jump in head-first—allow yourself to be vulnerable and risk being let down in order to create healthy relationships again.
Face your fears and other negative feelings built around trust.
It’s crucial that you admit to yourself why you’re scared and what you’re scared of, so you can attempt to move on.
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