Amritsar, Punjab (August 26, 2015)—Expressing deep concern over the declination of growth rate in the population of Sikhs, the appointed Jathedar of Akal Takht, Giani Gurbachan Singh has appealed the Sikh nation to take control over it. He said that he had been disseminating the Sikh masses with this serious issue from a long time but his advice were never taken seriously and instead some religious bodies mocked it.

It is noteworthy that in a religion based census conducted by Indian Government, the statistics have shown noticeable declination in the growth rate of population of Hindu community. Similarly, the declination noticed in Sikh community is 0.2%.

It is noteworthy that in a religion based census conducted by Indian Government, the statistics have shown noticeable declination in the growth rate of population of Hindu community. Similarly, the declination noticed in Sikh community is 0.2%.