true friend
You’re a true friend,
That i want you to know,
Our love for each other
Has helped us to grow.
We’ve been through some tough times,
But we’ve made it through,
The only one i ever trusted was you.
Love is like missed call.
It stop when u try 2 catch.
But friendship is like sms bcoz it comes &
Stays inside your Inbox.
The one who holds ur hand every time surely a good friend,
But a best friend is the one who holds your hand more tightly,
When you say leave me alone!!
6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND
Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I’ll always be thankful that once, along my life’s journey I found a friend like U…
Friends are like a head of hair. You might lose some, but with enough $money$ you can buy them back.
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams…
I have seen angels in the sky, I have seen snowfall in July, I have seen things u only imagine to see, But I haven’t seen anything sweeter than u.
There r many stars but the moon is u, there are many friends but the best is u, To forget me that’s up to u, To forget u I will never ever do.
U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!!
How can u tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist? How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall when wind exist? How can u tell me not to fall in friendship when u exist.
Care is the main ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance and time. Care sustains love. Since I can’t see you, let my care be with you, friend!
I have a pen which is blue, I have a friend which is you. Flowers will die, waters will dry, but our friendship will never say goodbye.
I might run out of cute graphics to send you, but I’ll never run out of this: care for you.
A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad. And that friend is YOU!
I don’t regret the things I have done and the things I didn’t do. For somewhere along the way I must have done something right coz I ended up with a friend like you.
Time and distance are important between friends. When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!
I was never tired of this life and it’s not gonna matter if I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won’t let me hit the ground. Thanks for being around.
Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life. Thanks!
Do you ever recall the first day we met? Our first hello? The day we became friends? Well, I do and I will always remember. For that very day, I knew I’d cherish you.
Some friends are remembered because of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember. Take care.
I was never tired of this life and it’s not
gonna matter if I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won’t
let me hit the ground. Thanks for being around.
Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of
thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not
just for a day, but for life. Thanks!
Log milte hai every time,
Pasand aati hai some time,
Dosti hoti hai one time,
Jo rahati hai life time.
All relation we have are tie up with are birth,
but only one relation in world is made by us,
found by us, chosen by us, built by us, without anybdys recomnd and sugest, so frnd plz take care of your frnd for life time becoz its your own.
See next