How to change color all content and images in WordPress

Thumbnails from black and white to color

darmahweb  Hi, I’m using the ubud theme on my blog, right now I have manually put the featured images in Black and White but I would really love if someone could help me to make them be in black and white and then go to color when hovering.

The blog I need help with is

jami0821  This should desaturate the image by default:

.entry-thumbnail img {
    -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
    filter: grayscale(100%);

And on hover, you can remove the filter:

.entry-thumbnail img:hover {
    -webkit-filter: none;
    filter: none;

darmahweb Thank you so much!!!!
Is there a way to make the filter go away once I click the thumbnail
so that the featured image in the actual post would be in color?

  •   jami0821 Oh sure! On your single posts, you’ll want to be more specific with the second CSS block mentioned above and remove the hover psudo element:

    .single .entry-thumbnail img {
        -webkit-filter: none;
        filter: none;

    You’re an angel 🙂

    jami0821  Happy to help! 🙂

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