Create a Webpage to Verify Fake or Invalid Email Addresses

A few days back, we covered an article on how to verify fake or invalid email address via Telnet. No doubt that the procedure sounds good when your operating system is Windows. But regarding those users who are not in Windows, we have created a webpage to validate an email address via Oxhow.Com. Readers can easily verify a fake or invalid email address by typing there
Again, the blog owners get a huge number of comments or email to their contact address. Some time folks send messages or comments using a little trick. They maintain the email address format without having existence in reality. So, when your email validation code parses the address, finds nothing bad with it. As for example: .
As the above address matches with the email address format, your contact page manager treats it as a valid email address. But actually the address has no existence. When you check for any email id from that page, it will tell you the email address details. In case of the above address, it will say that the email address does not exist though the address is valid.
Tip: Quickly Recover Your Google Account Password Through SMS Message.

How to create the email Validation Page in PHP

1. Download the zipped file from here.
2. Create a folder Val (or any thing that you want) at your server. For instance,/public_html > go > val.
3. Extract that file and open index.php file with notepad. Then find out the portion below:

 // the email to validate $email = trim($_POST['email']); // an optional sender $sender = 'your_email_address'; // instantiate the class $SMTP_Valid = new SMTP_validateEmail(); // turn debugging on to view the SMTP session $SMTP_Valid->debug = true; // do the validation $result = $SMTP_Valid->validate($email, $sender); // view results var_dump($result);

4. Replace your_email_address with your own and save the file.
5. Upload the file index.php at the folder val of your server.
According to this example, the web address of the validation page would behttp://yourdomainname/go/val/

Visit our email validation page.

1. This is platform independent. So you won’t have to know various procedure for different operating system.
2. The user needs not to put any code or syntax.
3. The blogger can carry out this technique in their blog contact page to verify if the senders email is fake or invalid.
4. Using some geeky tricks you can integrate this in your blog comment section to filter the emails from fake person.


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