Best Methods To Identify Fake Email ID, It happens sometimes when you may want to check whether an email id on which you want to send an important mail exists or not.
The most simple method would be to send a test mail first and check if you receive a failed mail delivery receipt, but sometimes you can’t even send a test email as the email id could be of your boss or someone whom you may not feel comfortable sending test email to test the email id validity.
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There have been some methods to check whether an email id is a valid email id, found two methods to check the validity of email if they are useful, easy, and fast.
There have been numerous online sources to check whether an email id exists including these two methods below
Method 1:
BroadBand Help provides a small service called Email Address Checker, which check the authenticity of an email address
This checker is real-time and can detect in most cases whether an email box exists or not, and most importantly this service is FREE
Note: This service is quite good but does not give accurate results all the time.
Method 2:
Another free service to check email id validity is IsValidEmail this service is again web-based and will return true or false for a given email address if it is valid or not valid. This method uses the HTTP POST protocol to validate an email address.
an invalid email will show the result in a new window by giving a true result for a valid email address and false for an invalid email address.
Enter the email id and click invoke, you will see
<boolean>true</boolean>if the email address is valid
or will see <boolean>false</boolean>
We hope at least one of the methods above will work for you, let us know if you know any other method other than these to check email address validity.
Methods To Identify Fake Email ID
sima says
Dear Sir or Madam,
Is it possible to know how long someone has been already using his? her email? Because sometimes, ppl just create an email and never use it anymore (just use it one). Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,